This post was inspired by Customer Strategy Podcast Ep 8: Nils Vinje
Way back when I decided to leave my VP job and become a consultant, I was excited and a bit nervous.
The truth is that I didn't know what I didn't know so there really wasn't a whole lot to worry about.
That is, until I shared my idea...
My wife and I had been having discussions about what I was going to do and she was very supportive of me going out on my own and starting my own consulting firm.
We talked about what this would mean for our family and the things we wanted out of life.
I was feeling good.
Then, we went to visit my family in Los Angeles for Thanksgiving.
I shared my news of leaving my company and becoming a consultant with my family and you know what happened...
I immediately found out what everyone else's fears were...
"How will you find clients?"
"How are you going to get started?"
"How much time do you have left with your company?"
"Is this really a good idea?"
Even writing this takes me back to that night, I can still paint a very vivid picture of where we were and what it felt like to be on the receiving end of everyone else's fears.
What I learned is that when you make a bold move or do something different and you share this with others, you will know what their fears are very quickly.
You didn't ask for them but you'll get them.
What you do with those fears will determine everything.
You could take their fears as your own and carry an even bigger burden.
Or, you could acknowledge that other people's fears (no matter who those people are and how much you trust or love them) are their fears and not yours.
This is how you will put yourself in a position to succeed.
Ultimately, you are responsible for your decisions and your life.
When you know what to expect, dealing with what comes your way is a lot easier.
You know a little more about me and if you'd like to hear more about this story and many others, listen in to my episode on the Customer Strategy Podcast.
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PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you bulletproof your Customer Strategy and grow customer revenue...
1. Be a guest on the "Customer Strategy Podcast"
My favorite thing to do is to help all kinds of businesses build incredible Customer Strategies. Big businesses, small businesses, professional services - Click Here.
2. Download the Customer Strategy Method Blueprint
The framework of everything we talk about the Customer Strategy Podcast is based on the Customer Strategy Method. Find out how you can apply it to your business. Click Here.
3. 8-Week Customer Strategy Accelerator
Send me a message if you are interested in working with me and a small group to go through my 8-Week Customer Strategy Accelerator.
4. Work with me One-on-One
If you’d like to work with me directly to bulletproof your Customer Strategy, send me a message.